For the child 3-9 (sorry I don't have teens yet so can't help ya there!)

2. Ronnie Wilson's gift- I mentioned this in my last Christmas post. But its too got not to share again. A great story about what it looks like to overflow with gratitude and love the least of these.
3. It will be okay: trusting God through fear and change- this book has been great for our worrier child and our child who needs to know God works all things for good, even messy things. This book is a challenging and fun story of pointing little ones to trust in God!
4. Light em up- not a christmas gift per se but a Christmas month of activities to show the true joy of christmas is in giving not having! We have done it for 3 years and its now something the kids long to do year round to love others well with fun and surprise!
5. Chronicles of Narnia series- we loved reading this with our two oldest. At the end of each chapter they couldn't wait for more!
6. ABC scripture cards- found at your local life way or online at a few boutiques. LOVE these in our home to remind us to learn scripture.
7. A Winshape summer camp scholarship- you can register now for rising second graders and up for an amazing Christ focused and FUN summer experience
8. Conversation cards- we love pulling these out at dinner, we have the faith edition too. Such a great time to be intentional around the dinner table.
9. Older kid books- Reese and I have loved reading the One and only Ivan and Wonder together. Wonder especially is great conversation topics for including the outcast and the importance of encouraging people just how they are uniquely made.
For the Mom who needs encouragement or the woman who is searching

2. Desperate- Hope for the mom who needs to breathe- enough said.
3. Parenting books I love: Give them Grace (about to re-read its so good), Parenting the wholehearted Child, In this house we will giggle, Don't make me count to 3.
For the woman who loves cute things :)

2. Altar'd state- loving this store that is giving back to non profits! Super cute stuff too!
3. Aloe tree- kids clothes that are fair trade and profits go to fight child trafficking. Double score!
1. Clarisonic- I got one in August after my cousin told me about it. Amazing. Love the way my skin feels after using it!
2. Buckle Lounge Sweats- sorry john. This is what I live in at home. They come in about a zillion fun colors and are SO comfy!
3. Toms wedges- I have no heels because I choose comfort over fashion but I love these and can walk in them!
4. Pampered Chef Griddle- I use the mess out of this thing for anything from pancakes to chicken. Best griddle-like pan I can find!
For the music lover
1. For king and country's new album
2. Pentatonix Christmas album- both of which are currently on repeat at my house
3. Lauren Daigle- such gospel centered words and her voice is amazing! And you can send an iTunes gift that day online if you are late with a gift! Score!
For the couple who needs to connect

2. Love and War- such a good book about how we are to live out our marriage in a war zone trying to tear it apart.
3. A Winshape marriage retreat- we have loved our time at Winshape. There is no better thing than to get away and focus on reconnecting, learning and growing together.
4. Date night- just do it, weekly if possible :)
For the giver

2. Samaritans purse catalog- our kids love choosing goats and chickens out of this thing every year. Such a great way to focus on the importance of loving others and meeting needs.
3. Care for Aids- you can join us in raising money for year two of our center here, providing a 9 month program for 80-90 families experiencing AIDS and giving them the spiritual, health, economic and social counseling they need to live long, healthy lives and preventing orphans! Just put Sinai center in memo if you would like it to go to our specific center!
4. Host a shoe cutting party! What better way as a family to get Christmas started on the right foot than to sit around together and cut fabric that will employ a Ugandan tailor to make shoes for children that are unable to walk due to a parasite called a jigger burrowing in their feet. Check it out!
Hope that helps and happy shopping! Merry Christmas almost! :)