This story starts several years ago and is quite random. After seeing the movie "The Help", like many others, I was moved and shaken to the core of the issues that existed with race just a few decades ago. But as powerful as that was, that is not what stuck out to me the most. The most impactful was how Abilene would speak over the child she nannied as she rocked her, "You is kind, you is smart, you is important". She was speaking truth into the heart of a little girl that would always struggle with adequacy, value, esteem. That little girl is all of us, and our children.
After seeing Bob Goff speak a few months ago this stirring in my soul was resurfaced. He challenged us to speak over each other what we are becoming, call out what God is turning us into.
I was reading in John a few weeks ago and it hit me. I felt like God gave it to me. A reminder to intentionally speak truth over my kids, each day, each night, specific, intentional to that child, what they struggle with and who they are becoming.
John and I spent some time developing these truths. I spent time praying over and delving into their personalities and what the strengths and weaknesses of that personality are. I believe these are close to finished, (other than Levi's maybe, still learning what makes him tick and who God is making him). I pray these will be a powerful tool. We plan on posting these on the kids headboards of their bed and reading them over the kids each night, using them as we pray for that child, and reminding them of who God made them and who they are becoming. I pray these truths are arming them to fight the fight they have ahead of them. These will be something in a matter of weeks they have memorized and they can fall back on when they remember what we "taught" them and when they hit crisis of identity or struggle. I pray God uses these truths to grow in their hearts beyond just the words we say.

God made you kind, gentle, and generous. (Col 3:12, 1 Tim 6:17-19)
God sees Jesus' perfection covering your mistakes. (1 Peter 4:8)
You are enough because Jesus is enough. (2 Cor 12:9)
We can put our worries at God's feet. (1 Peter 5:7, Matt 6:25)
Prayer changes everything, including our hearts. (Matt 7:7, John 14:13-14)
God made you strong, caring and compassionate. (Col 3:12, Eph 4:32. Deut 31:6-8)
Joy isn't found in having, but giving. (Prov 11:24-25, Acts 20:35)
The Lord stands with you and gives you strength (2 Tim 4:17)
You are God's warrior. (judges 6:12, eph 6:11)
We are replenished as we fill up with Jesus and pour out to others.(2 Cor 9:6-11, Prov 11:24-25, Philippians 2:3-5)

God makes beauty from our brokenness. (Isaiah 61:3,
God made you servant-hearted, joy-filled and encouraging. (John 16:22, Phil 2:3-5, Gal 5:13, 1 Thes 5:11, Heb 3:13)
You are accepted, Jesus died to call you daughter. (1 Cor 6:19, Romans 5:8, John 6:37)
God is always working for our good. (Romans 8:28)
You are God's prized treasure and he will never abandon you. (Isaiah 54:10, Deut 7:6, Deut 31:6-8)
You are loved, cherished and accepted. (John 3:16, Is 54:10)
Be strong and courageous in the Lord. (Deut 31:6-8, Ps 27:1
You were made to be in God's story. (Matt 28:19-20, Eph 2:10)
God is bigger than our mistakes. (1 Peter 4:8)
God made you joyful, caring and unique. (Ps 139:13-14, Rom 15:13)
I pray you take time and pray over what truth God wants you to speak over your child. Maybe it's nightly, maybe it is changing as their circumstances change, maybe it is a way you want to call your child into who the Lord is making them to be. Join with me in this.
What truth does your child (or spouse, or friend) need to hear today?
Comment below for a chance to win these handmade dolls by my good friend Natalie who is raising money for their adoption!
(If you want to custom order a doll: hair color or style, fabric color, outfit, etc, email me and I will put you in contact with her to purchase one!)
In your comment also include a 1 or 2 for which doll you want! (1- doll on left, 2 doll on right)
ReplyDeleteWe have never met, but have quite a few mutual friends and are fb friends. I read your blog from time to time and it blesses me so! I hope we are able to meet one day, but I am pretty sure our paths will cross eventually. I'm pretty sure our husbands know each other or at the least have met.
Anyways, I loved this post so much. I or my husband pray with our children out loud every night and often I pray specifically over them with the intention that they will hear these prayers and be able to remember them and one day claim them! It has been amazing thing praying specific things for the kids and them seeing them happen! I believe the Lord uses this time to grow our children closer to each other as they learn about Him. They request it every night!! I love this idea of speaking truths over them. I have been jotting down scriptures and thoughts all afternoon as my littlest sleeps. This is what I currently do - not exactly what you asked us to share, but I hope it counts :)
My oldest, Luke is both a peacemaker in our family, and the most interested in growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. For him I pray 2 Peter 3:18 & Romans 14:19 I also see his heart struggle often with contentment and for that I pray Phillipians 4:12
Noah, is currently our middle child, and is all or nothing! He is all on and into whatever he does or basically asleep. For him, I pray Colossians 3:23 that He would desire to work to please the Lord and not Mommy & Daddy or others. In that same vein I also pray for him to show mercy to others. He is often very strong willed. Luke 6:36 Also, to be alert and self controlled 1 Thessalonians 5:6 (I know most 3 year olds aren't very self controlled but as I said, I like for them to hear these things!)
Zoe is our little one and has been home with us from Ethiopia since August of last year. Oh the joys I get in being her mother, but I am not so naive to think that we have escaped the pain of her past. For her I pray that she would be able to Rejoice in the the Lord always and what He has done for her! Philippians 4:4 She has such a unique opportunity to bring Him glory. I pray her heart would be inclined towards the nations Psalm 96:3 and as I already see her sweet heart wanting to help mommy with everything I pray that her sweet servant spirit would only further mature. Ephesians 6:7
The scriptures you shared and the ways you are speaking these truths over your children spoke a great deal to my heart today. For Zoe especially I have made notes and will add these to our nightly routine.
Zoe of course would be blessed with the doll on the left if she won it, but really I just wanted to write and tell you how much I love your posts. Haha so sorry for the trolling! Who knows how many others out there read your blog like me without saying hello :)
The doll on the left is YOURS! Email me your address!
DeleteLove following your blog! Praying one day soon my adopted sons can get exit letters and be home as well! Thank you for your openness and transparency!
ReplyDeleteMy kids need to know they're all "worth it." Worth my time and love and attention. Worth hanging out with, worth talking to. I have such great kids, and they need to know it.
ReplyDeleteLove how you shared your heart on this! Marshall always needs to hear that his acceptance is not dependent on his behavior.
ReplyDeleteYou are so encouraging to me in your faith walk! Thank you, and can't wait to see how God has me intentionally praying for my own children.
ReplyDeleteAs always I love reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us and spurring us on in our faith.