Saturday, August 17, 2013

To my daughter on her 7th birthday...

Dear Reese,
Oh Six! Can another year already be over? My first memories as a little girl started around 6. There are many events I pray you remember from year 6. Getting Baptized, starting 1st grade, bringing a new brother and sister home, beach trips, gymnastics, Disney Cruise and more. But to remember the year in full there were hard things too.  Problems we had to work out with friends, stresses of adjusting to a new sister who didn't speak your language, mom with a little less time for you, etc. But we made it together with God's help! You are such an amazing girl Reese. God has flooded your obedient heart with compassion and generosity and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. These were the four things I prayed for you for the first 9 months you were being knit together in my womb. And God has blessed me 100 times over for those prayers. Your kindness flows to others and you know when the spirit speaks in your heart when you have made a bad choice. That my daughter is a gift. A gift I pray you hold close as you go through year 7, 10, 13, 18, 21 and beyond. I pray your relationship with Jesus will grow and deepen. I pray our trip to Africa will open your eyes to the hurt and the hope in this world for the poor, sick and orphaned. God has BIG plans for you Reese McNeil White. Year 7 will hold so many joys and struggles and I am honored to walk through it all with you. God has taught (and continues to teach) me so many things about Himself through you, my first baby girl. My gift from the Lord is you. You are God's treasure and most precious daughter. I pray you feel and know that deeper this year. 
Happy Birthday Reese,

7 Year old interview:
Favorite Color? Pink and white, because they look good together.
Favorite thing to play? Draw or go to the beach.
What do you want to be when you grow up? In the olympics for gymnastics.
What do you like most about mommy? That we go on dates together.
What do you like most about daddy? That he spins me in the towel after baths.
What are you really good at? Gymnastics
What is the saddest thing that has ever happened to you? When I got hurt riding my bike.
What makes you happy? When I do something right.
What is your favorite thing about school? Science.
What are you most excited about starting 2nd grade? That my teacher might be Miss Sherin.
Most nervous about 2nd grade? If we have to stand up and say our names on the first day.
Favorite food? Chick-fil-A number 1 no pickles and a sweet tea.
Favorite restaurant? Kanki Japanese Steakhouse
Plans after college? Maran and I will have an apartment and cut hair at a salon. Wheeler will live next door and have a motorcycle and take us to work. He can get free haircuts too.
Best part about being a big sister? There are lots of people to play with in our family.
Hardest part? Everyone wants you to take care of them.
Where do you want to visit one day? Disney world again.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? At the beach.
Favorite memory of your whole life? Disney Cruise.
Favorite Friend? Sam. But don't send this to everybody so he will see it.
What job do you want to have? Gymnastics teacher.
What college do you hope to go to? Auburn, yea Auburn.
Where does mommy work? At home, taking care of us and cleaning.
Favorite thing about yourself? I am pretty smart.
Favorite thing about God? He is in my heart and will stay there forever.
Favorite bible verse? Keep your tongue from evil. Wait no, Guard your heart or love your neighbor as yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Reese-
    I am so proud of you and your heart to love god especially by serving the orphans and the poor. I can't wait to see how God will cause your eyes to open even wider at how big he is and how many people he loves to the ends of the earth. Your faith challenges me. I love you and am so excited to travel with you in a few weeks. Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you were born!

    (After all your momma had been in partial labor for over a week!)
